Please Read the Conduct Contract and Sign the Attestation to Continue
Conduct Contract
RaphaEl Medical Missions is a Christian organization which is a ministry of Bridge for Peace, a non-denominational ministry whose focus is to share to love of Jesus as the Bridge for Peace to the nations of the world. Currently this organization provides assistance to the people of Zambia. The objectives of RaphaEl Medical Missions’ programs are to:
Show the truth of God’s love by our actions and words;
Solve a real need in the area;
Maintain the local inhabitant’s dignity;
Build bridges to establish and maintain ongoing spiritual growth, medical care, health promotion, and education
RaphaEl Medical Missions is coordinating its efforts with the local church. We are extremely aware of our role and the example we must portray in the community at home, abroad, and within the organization.
As a result, we request all volunteers to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a conservative standard of conduct. We must remember that 10 minutes of improper behavior can ruin years of effort to build trust and credibility. We are guests in the local culture and therefore our conduct must be sensitive to local customs. The following are RaphaEl Medical Missions’ policies regarding conduct:
1) Personal conduct of volunteers should always be above question. Remember that our conduct is a reflection of God, you the individual, our organization, and the United States. .
2) While in the field, volunteers should wear loose fitting clothing (ie. scrubs). In the local society tight pants, etc. can be sexually misunderstood.
3) While in public volunteers should not "give away" candy, gum, Polaroid photos, toys, etc. as this action could produce dozens of children following the group looking for handouts. We have plenty of opportunities to give gifts to the children we see as patients.
4) Volunteers are encouraged to ask questions about local customs and this will help avoid awkward or embarrassing situations.
5) The team leaders are here to help you. If you have any problem with the local people or health workers then bring it to the attention of the leader to address.
NOTE: Conduct detrimental to the organization or the team is cause for the volunteer not to be invited for further participation in projects. If circumstances arise that are detrimental and the team leader deems it necessary, a volunteer may be returned home at their own expense.
By clicking the continue below, I attest that I have read and agree to all the terms outlined in the RaphaEl Medical Missions Conduct Contract.