Back Before the school holidays we had Annette and Ed Eckart from Bridge for Peace New York, here in Sydney. They held several meetings and I was able to go to a couple. I invited my close friend who is ill to go along to one of these meetings with me to get prayer for her healing. Unfortunately it was impossible for her to go so I said I would go in her place and stand in for her. When Annette got up and spoke she said that God had really made it clear to her that everyone there was to ask for something for themselves when they came for prayer. We were told to seek the Holy Spirit for Him to reveal what it was we were to ask for. Then chairs were put around the edges of the room for people to go to receive prayer. Ed, Annett’s husband, placed a seat just a meter or so from me so when they invited people to receive prayer I quickly went to Ed and sat down with him. I was there to ask for healing for my friend, which I did and Ed and I prayed for her healing. We prayed in words and then in tongues and it was wonderful to have us both united for my friend like this before God. “The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). I know both Ed and I are righteous in Gods’ sight because that is what God’s Word says. Then Ed said “What is it Dianne, you want to ask God for just for yourself. I couldn’t avoid it. I said I didn’t have a clue. The he said to ask the Holy Spirit. So I did and straight away these words came out of my mouth and honestly it was a though I wasn’t saying them. I said “I want to know my worth”. Then I started to cry. I was really taken aback. I have given countless talks on God’s love and how much He loves us and here I was asking “What is my worth” Am I really worthy of God’s love?” I could hardly believe what was happening. I have been on this Christian walk for quite a number of years now and here I was back at step one! Ed’s face lost all expression. In fact he seemed totally blank. I was weeping and his face was stoic. We both started praying in tongues. Then I looked at him and this beautiful gentle man of God looked me in the eyes, shrugged his shoulders and said “I have no words” That’s all!!!! “I have no words. I remember thinking “Oh, that’s all you can say? At least he’s honest and not saying something just because he feels he should I thought to myself “I’m not worth much to God I’m not worthy of God’s love” And then as I began to leave Ed urgently grabbed my arm, again looked me straight in the eyes and said “You know what I mean don’t you? There are just no words to describe your worth to God”, He was emotional as he said this. Tears were starting to form in his eyes. I tried to let this sink in. He was saying that the extent of my worth was beyond words. I thanked him and left, feeling a bit flat and puzzled by it all. I had heard this all before. I had probably even said the same thing in a talk sometime. I had sat down for prayer believing in my self-worth and left knowing one thing, I didn’t believe in my self-worth. It wasn’t until about three days after the healing meeting when it happened. I was just busy handing the wash on the line, not really thinking about any of this, when I was given a revelation. Instantly I knew how much I was loved. Instantly I was aware of my self-worth. I remember I looked up at the blue sky and wanted to sing. I felt so ‘light’. I already knew this stuff but this was a revelation in my spirit. It was like a sheet being lifted form my eyes and a heavy lad lifted from my back. I wasn’t even aware a load was there until it lifted. I physically felt the release and then came the feeling of lightness and sheer joy. I knew, because I knew, because I knew, I was so loved…I was safe and secure in that love and it would continue for eternity. I was amazed and still am that God knew what was going on inside of me even when I didn’t. He knew where I needed healing. I would never have thought to ask for a revelation of my worth. I thought I knew all this stuff….But….No!!! It took a revelation for me to truly KNOW IT….God is Good! God is Faithful! It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do, God loves me. It is unconditional love. As Annette said, His love is excessive. That excessive love is timeless and undiminishing. Nothing I do or don’t do will Him love me less. It’s all or nothing with God’s love. He doesn’t hand it out in varying amounts depending on your performance. It doesn’t even diminish if we don’t love Him back. It’s unconditional. No strings attached!`
Bridge for Peace
Back Before the school holidays we had Annette and Ed Eckart from Bridge for Peace New York, here in Sydney. They held several meetings and I was able to go to a couple. I invited my close friend who is ill to go along to one of these meetings with me to get prayer for her healing. Unfortunately it was impossible for her to go so I said I would go in her place and stand in for her. When Annette got up and spoke she said that God had really made it clear to her that everyone there was to ask for something for themselves when they came for prayer. We were told to seek the Holy Spirit for Him to reveal what it was we were to ask for. Then chairs were put around the edges of the room for people to go to receive prayer. Ed, Annett’s husband, placed a seat just a meter or so from me so when they invited people to receive prayer I quickly went to Ed and sat down with him. I was there to ask for healing for my friend, which I did and Ed and I prayed for her healing. We prayed in words and then in tongues and it was wonderful to have us both united for my friend like this before God. “The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). I know both Ed and I are righteous in Gods’ sight because that is what God’s Word says. Then Ed said “What is it Dianne, you want to ask God for just for yourself. I couldn’t avoid it. I said I didn’t have a clue. The he said to ask the Holy Spirit. So I did and straight away these words came out of...